Guide: Edit Personal Information (Name, Email) in Client Portal

Edit Email Address

Need to change the email you use to access the Client Portal? Just follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Personal Settings
  2. Scroll down to Edit Email Addresses
  3. Select “Add Alternate Email”
  4. Make sure to select “Make Primary” on the email you want to receive notifications on.
  5. Keep in mind you will need to ‘activate’ the new email (the system will send you another activation link.)


Edit Personal Information

Need to update/correct your personal information, including your name? Just follow the steps below:

  1. Select “Personal Settings”
  2. See Edit Profile -> Name and Company Details
  3. Edit / enter the correct information
  4. Remember to scroll to the bottom of the Personal Settings page and click the blue “Save” button to commit your changes.